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Teknos Futura Aqua 5

Matt top coat for wood and metal

Durable water-borne urethane alkyd based top coat for detached and fixed furniture indoors. Ideal application properties. Excellent scratch and wear resistance. The painted surface is easy to keep clean. Finish: matt. The product has been classified to Group M1 in Emission Classification of building materials.

FUTURA AQUA 5 is suitable for primed and previously with alkyd paint painted wood, metal and building board surfaces: doors, window casements, cabinets, mouldings, panels, panel ceilings, air ducts, staircase railings, radiators and piping systems. Indoors FUTURA AQUA 5 is also suitable for plaster and filler surfaces primed with FUTURA AQUA PRIMER, for example window sills and casings, and wall surfaces in special objects, e.g. staircases.

Teknos Futura Aqua 5


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